Hills Creek 319 Water Quality Improvement Project

The Hills Creek Water Quality improvement project is managed by the Chesterfield Soil and Water Conservation District.  For more information, please call the office:
843-623-2187 x3.

Watershed Grant

The Chesterfield Soil and Water Conservation District recently finished a $300,000 grant from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) to improve impaired waters in the Hills Creek Watershed.

The Hills Creek Watershed (click here for a watershed map) is designated “impaired” by the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control due to fecal coliform contamination. 

Ongoing water quality monitoring indicates that the Watershed is contaminated by fecal coliform bacteria found primarily in untreated animal waste and sewage.  Agricultural sources of untreated animal waste include livestock entering streams and ponds, rainwater runoff from pastures and uncovered poultry manure piles.  Untreated sewage contamination occurs when septic systems are working improperly and from municipal sources.

Water bodies possessing high concentrations of fecal Coliform bacteria may also be contaminated with other bacteria and viruses which can cause waterborne diseases such as typhoid fever, viral and bacterial gastroenteritis and hepatitis A.  Residents with compromised immune systems are at increased risk of health complications

Previous SCDHEC grants have allowed us to distribute more than $700,000 in two other district watersheds with similar contaminants to improve water quality.